Part 54: Door 6

So, the last room we're going to go through... is, thankfully, one we last saw very recently.

It's the last door we saw in real detail no less. I'm certainly not complaining by any means. We'll just skip through all the very slow stuff leading to it, and much like the laboratory before we'll skip to just the scenes we're interested in.
[Music: Quinary Game]
In this case, that takes us quite nicely to when we replaced the missing wheel and lowered the control panel.

He stuck his head out over the side of the catwalk, and looked down.
The box that had only recently hung just below the catwalk now sat on the floor. It had come to rest near the end of the tunnel that covered the conveyor belt. Near where June had collapsed...

Ace's expression was inscrutable, but he'd said what they had all been thinking.

He tried desperately to convince himself that what he'd said was true.

Santa's response was confident and certain.

Santa snorted in disgust.

With that, he turned, and walked away from the winch.
Junpei and Ace followed him.

Santa suddenly stopped.

Exit (A) is pitch black--so dark, even a rat can't see anything.

Exit (B), however, is electrified, which means the rat can't leave through it.
So, what would a rat do if it was put in this situation? Which exit would the rat choose?
There was a moment of silence after Santa posed the question, and then Ace responded.

[Music: Silence]

This produced some surprising results.
[Music: Digital Root]

But even that wasn't the most impressive thing.
The same experiment was conducted in another laboratory, far from the original one, with the same results. ...No, on second thought, the results weren't really the same...

These rats were not related to the rats used in the first experiment, and had never even come in contact with them, and yet... They all easily found their way to exit (A), as though they already knew.
What did it mean...?

Ace looked skeptical. Santa snorted at him.

Without waiting for a response, he turned around and started walking.
Junpei, however, wasn't quite ready to leave the topic alone.

Santa stopped, and turned around.

Santa gave a grim bark of a laugh.

[Music: Silence]

And with that, the scene ends and we can continue poking around the room. There's nothing else worth our time in the room, though, so let's finish up here and head on over to the cargo room.

Given the circumstances, Junpei's happiness was certainly understandable.
Ace seemed to share his excitement.

Santa snorted.

Ace sighed, with the air of a long-suffering parent.

He gave a quick nod to Ace and Santa, and dashed off down the stairs.

He did his best to sound calm and nonchalant, but there was no hiding the genuine concern in his voice.

June blushed. He wasn't sure if she was embarrassed, or still feverish.
Just to make sure, he reached out and put his hand against her forehead.

She was feeling far less warm than she had earlier, but still wasn't down to what seemed normal to him.

He had to be sure.
June gave him a look.

June giggled.

He wasn't sure if she'd just made a joke or not, but... Seeing her smile again made Junpei feel at ease. If she was well enough to smile and laugh, then she really was feeling much better.
He gave her a friendly poke on the forehead.

June clasped her hands and nodded urgently.

Santa answered without looking up, his voice quiet.

Santa simply nodded.

June cocked her head, confused.

Santa glared at her.

Santa didn't smile, or laugh.
He simply turned back to his picture, and spoke.

He glanced at June, who shook her head. She didn't know either.

[Music: Morphogenetic Sorrow]

Junpei was silent. He could think of nothing to say.
June looked down, uncomfortable.
The wall next to him suddenly groaned.
Either he hadn't heard the sound, or didn't care--Santa kept talking.


June glanced up at Santa quickly as she spoke.
He answered, but only with an effort.

Santa stood up suddenly, his downcast demeanor gone.
He shoved the picture back in his pocket, and headed back up the stairs, taking them 2 at a time.
[Music: Silence]

Santa's voice echoed across the room from above them.
They nodded, and followed him quickly up the stairs.

The door had shut, but it wasn't cause for concern.
Junpei quickly solved the disc puzzle a second time, and the door opened once again.
Yeah, we last saw this a very short while ago so we'll skip through that.
In order to not end this on an overly depressing note, we'll keep going a bit longer. In fact, we'll go right to when we got all 9 cards in the Cargo Room and are going to open the giant blue box.
[Music: Senary Game]

Junpei stared at the cards in his hands.
Ace peered over his shoulder at them.

Junpei gave him a look.

Junpei thought he might have imagined it, but he could have sworn Ace stiffened.

[Music: Silence]
Junpei heard a noise.
He spun around, just in time to see June collapse in front of the fence.

...She did not respond.
Junpei spun back around to face Ace.

He shoved the cards into Ace's hands, and ran off toward June.

Junpei called out to her as he ran.
As he arrived, June was climbing to her feet with Santa's help.

Junpei would have been more willing to agree if June hadn't needed quite so much help standing up.


Ace concept art #1.